My Latest Research and Its Meaning for You

I developed my new  A.S.A.P.™ method to take maximum advantage of your brain's ability to participate in every aspect of body function—including its alignment.

A.S.A.P(TM) stands for "Assisted Self-Alignment Protocol." It's been in use in my own practice since Spring of 2022, and I started teaching it to other doctors this past November. (If you’d like to see this technique in action, click on the videos tab above and watch the presentation I gave to the Lone Star Dowser Group on December 13, 2022).

The brain is paying attention to every stimulus in your inner and outer environment. It "listens" for signs of danger when you're driving a car, and it picks up on subtle social cues from other people starting in our infancy.

It also is aware of the need for more blood flow in muscles when you are physically active and regulates the levels of certain chemicals when there is food to digest.

So besides thinking (and sometimes over-thinking), it is constantly monitoring and responding to everything going and around your body...whether you are awake or asleep!

How does A.S.A.P (TM) work? The doctor lightly touches a sequence of different specific points on the body surface and uses muscle testing to tell which areas of the body are out of alignment and causing trouble. Then using this information, they stimulate other reflex points that send messages to the brain.

These reflex points direct our brain to orchestrate the internal reorganization of misaligned structures... without the need for any direct external force. This means that with just a little assistance, your body can re-align itself in real time: with total gentleness and precision. It is literally safe for any body capable of being touched.

We also use reflex points that will reactivate muscles that have stopped working due to injuries, etc., so that our alignment becomes more stable.

A.S.A.P.(TM) can be used to realign the cranium (see below), spine, and other body parts for a life of easier movement and better health”.


Getting from here to there